Friday, July 31, 2009


Cause Peter Facinelli is going to be there on August 15. Dr. Carlisle Cullen, here I come. Now, if you bring Rob with you, I'm going to make a run for it and Leighann's gonna say, "Sorry. She's faster than she looks."

Stoked!! :)

Twisted Train of Thought...Conclusion

Meg: Did you get your picture?
Leighann: Yes. He asked me to sponge bathe him just in case. Ha ha.

My phone call reply: "Keep your hands off my man, bitch!"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Twisted Train of Thought...

Disclaimer to my co-workers/mother: This is entirely inappropriate.

This afternoon, Leighann sent me this picture of Landen. This is the conversation that followed:

Meg: I need to hold him right now! I went shopping during lunch...
Leighann: Oh boy. ha ha
Meg: Winter stuff is out!
Leighann: Ur insane
Meg: Well duh.
Leighann: ha ha. Think of where we can go Saturday.
Meg: On it. How about a strip club?
Leighann: ha ha. Freak.
Meg: Watching nasty stripper ladies will make me feel better about myself.
Leighann: That's why we have alcohol. No need to be surrounded by fishy snatch and creepy crawlies!
Meg: Oh yeah. We're not hanging out with Matt. ha ha.
Leighann: Man, I was looking forward to an "E" overdose! [I seriously thought she meant Edward for a minute]
Meg: I know! We could hold hands and fondle strangers. We could do that anyway, I guess.
Leighann: YES!

Side Note: I found this incredible picture at Twitarded ( and had to pass it along to Leighann since we were just talking about fishy snatch. I emailed it to Brad and told him to print it out and take it home to her ASAP.

Meg: Check your e-mail right now. It's funny. I promise.
Brad: Printed.
Meg: Word. I laughed so loud I got asked if I was ok. Then I couldn't show them what I was laughing at.

Now back to the original thread...

Leighann: Just wear something tight, low cut and red lipstick
Meg: Oh yeah. I'll pull that right out of the closet. Brad's bringing home a present to you from me.
Leighann: Hmmmm...what is it?
Meg: A funny picture. I wish you had email.
Leighann: Now I can't wait!
Meg: Oh you'll laugh. It involves fishy snatch and Edward. That's all I'm sayin!
Leighann: Nice.

So that's it. From my wonderful, precious godson, to strippers, to alcohol, to drugs, to Twilight (of course), to dirty pictures. I really don't know how it's relevant...just amusing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bloodsuckers Anonymous...

True Blood is starting to annoy me this season. I don't know if it's because I read all the books and they're really straying from them or if it's because I'm abnormally obsessed with Twilight right now, but it's beginning to worry me. I truly love that show; like, look forward to it with an insane happiness. It's a bright light at the end of a sometimes shitty week.

So here are my issues:

1. Sam doesn't realize there are other shifters. He couldn't tell that the new waitress was one. He should be able to sense it!

2. Bill is a bitch.

3. Sookie has turned into an annoying airhead.

4. I don't like the maenad story. It was cool in the book, but wasn't the whole story line.

5. Godric is not Eric's maker.

6. Why is Jason with the Fellowship? I wanted to see what he looked like as a werepanther.

But, Alexander Skarsgard is bitchin' hot and overall, it's really a great show. I'm glad I read the books and I think I may go back and re-read them because the show is making them all fuzzy in my head.

For now, I'll go back to watching Twilight and cheesing out over Rob Pattinson. I don't understand the animosity between the True Blood fans and the Twilight fans...I'm cool with both. Equal opportunity hot vampire lover here! I'm cool with sparkles but like to see some blood every once in a while.

Sorry about the total fangirl nature of this first blog. But my goal with this is to write what's on my mind. And the fact that this is what's on my mind is probably a topic for a whole other post. For now, just enjoy Skarsgard in the tub and Rob there with his "I love you Meg" grin. Deep breath...and I'm good.