Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Shit: The Post That Keeps On Changing

I've been working on getting this post up for like three days now. It's going up tonight come come hell or high water. At first it was just going to be about my new favorite part of Rob's body. Then I needed to add in a special Thank You to LionLovinLamb of Twiangle fame for my fucktacular Valentine's Day loot. Then I decided that I should talk about Full-Sized Carlisle and his exploits at the Super Bowl party. THEN they started releasing all those video clips from Remember Me and I'm being a total spoiler h00r and watching all of them. And last, but so far from least it's not even funny, there are the set pics from Bel Ami. Which really deserve their own post. I might get to that. But probably not.

Ok. Onto business.

Now we all know that there are all sorts of different types of RobPorn out there. We lust over the jaw, the hair, the mouth, the hands. But I have a new kind of RobPorn. His thumbs. I fucking love his thumbs. And not just the digit itself. The thumb, the area below the thumb, the part in between the thumb and the pointer finger. Bex has shortened this into what we will from here on out refer to as "The Square Thumb" or TST. I love TST. Unnaturally, unabashedly, and without regret. Here are some examples.

This first picture is one that I did and sent to RobsSwissMiss, trying to explain TST to her. Don't be jealous of my mad photoshopping skillz. Side note: Look how close TST is to the promised land. *died*

A prime example of TST. Just....ungh.

Another good one. I will admit (while ducking) that I don't think much good came out of this shoot. But here we see the whole hand, highlighted by some glorious TST.

Next order of business:

So I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant now.

I saved all of these and I don't remember where from, but they are all over. You can Google it.

I just don't really have words. There are just so many reasons this works for me. Reason number one: it's Rob. Reason number two: he's smoking. Reason number three: he's in period clothing. I'm a historian. I get off on that shit. And I like that time period. I'm just....ungh. That's all. I can't talk about it any more.

Moving on...I would like to give a very special shout out/thank you/virtual hug to LionLovinLamb. She sent me a goody bag full of wonderment and it made me happy because I generally hate V-Day, but when it's filled with cupcakes and unicorns and Robward I can't help but love it. So thanks hooker. I love ya! :-)

And finally, I will leave you with this:

Yep. I just...yep. The end.