Monday, August 3, 2009

My Commute Sucks.

Me driving.

Driving home today, it occurred to me that I waste a lot of time in my car. I spend at least 2 hours a day driving, and it's really hard to do much of anything productive while you're driving. I tried books on tape, but you really have to listen to them. I would get to work and realize I hadn't listened to the book, but had just daydreamed about buying a farm, becoming bff's with Rob, how cool it would be if I could bring my dogs to work...shit like that. Not productive.

And the hazards of my commute are plentiful. Since I've started working in Elizabeth City, I've seen a plane crash, been hit with a giant piece of plywood, seen dead bears (see picture), and have almost gotten hit by a blimp. And god forbid if it starts storming...there is nowhere to hide from a tornado in bfe Carolina/Chesapeake.
So, the plan is to either find a way to telecommute or marry rich. I'm banking on the second.

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