Monday, November 16, 2009

Atlantic Assault 2009

I had a whole post planned and actually written about the serious weather shit we just went through, but I deleted it. It was boring and wordy. I will share some pictures, however, because they are kind of funny (you should see the ones I refuse to put online. I may e-mail them to you for the right amount of Robporn).

But first, several things.

1. Have you written your Twiangle twiku yet? Yeah, me either. But you must! Go here for more info.

2. Matt Bushell wants YOU to join his Phantatic Phil Phanclub. There's no official site (yet!) but it's coming. Oh yes, it's coming. Trend him on Twitter. #MattBushell .

3. Have you seen The Haunted Airman? Wanna watch it and then write down your thoughts in a special Haunted Airman journal? RobsSwissMiss and I are sending that bad boy across the world, and you're invited to join in on the fun. Just e-mail or DM either one of us for details. I'm @donnersun, by the way.

4. Who the fuck is excited for Thursday? Me! And you, I'm sure. I cannot wait. I am going to be a puddle of mushy goo by the time I leave work on Thursday. Fun fact: Did you know that when Snow White first came out, they had to replace the seats in Radio City Music Hall because so many kids wet themselves when the wicked witch came onscreen? I wonder how many seats will need to be replaced after this weekend ifyouknowwhatimsayin! ;-)

So without further adieu, I give to you the past four days. They were filled with rain, alcohol, crazy newscasters, flying sheds, and Twilight (natch). I did go out in the middle of a hurricane to buy a Vanity Fair and beer. How's that kind of dedication for ya?

The reason Brad and Leighann evacuated to my house. Flying Shed.

Jager in a Hurricane glass? Yes please.

And I'm good. Got my baby, my Mama Bear, and a beer.

Bubbly? Why not!

That's the leak. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Brad lost his mind around day 3 and started reading my magazines.


  1. LOL...poor awesome. Cute baby! And I totally see that band camp t-shirt.

  2. LOL I know, right? He swears that someone gave that shirt to him, but I think he saw it and bought it. He wears it all the time. Freak. ;-)

  3. Haha.. Yea flying shed's do suck.. We found parts of ours all over the neighborhood last year.. so mch fun.. or not..

    and if you've got to be stuck in doors. atleast there's twilight to entertain..ROFLMAO

  4. Wowzers!

    Random fact, I've never had Jagar. Yep, my brain is completely dysfunctional this morning and that's what I've got! LOL

  5. I feel like I need to clarify that nobody smokes in the house. Brad just walks around with cigarettes in his mouth for hours until he makes it outside. I have mulitple pictures to prove it.

    @Cutie: Jager is worse going down than it is coming back up. I don't know how it always ends up at my house.

  6. OMG, I finally fucking read this post! It only took me fifteen-gazillion tries. No, really, exactly fifteen-gazillion. Well worth the wait really. Who doesn't drink beer with their friend's baby in a backpack. I know this Swiss Bitch rocked it back in the day (I wish I had a pic of me throwing horseshoes, with Baby Swiss in backpack, and beer in other hand...that's class right right).

    Poor Brad indeed ;) Oh - and loved the hurricane glass!


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