Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Non-Review of New Moon

Me and My Bitches. And Our Awesome Shirts.

Ok. I have written and deleted this 6 times now. I was going to jot down my thoughts on the movie. But really, who gives a shit? Do you really care what I thought of it? I mean, I liked it. There were parts that I wish had been better, but the book is always better than the movie. Period. I will say that my two favorite scenes were the Oct/Nov/Dec Sad Bella in the Window one (the music was fantastic and I wanted to hug KStew and tell her that boys suck) and the scene where Charlie, et. al. are hunting the wolves, the wolves are hunting Victoria and Bella is going to the cliff. Again, the music was great there and I really like how it was sort of the climax (heh heh) for the whole movie. And the crow was cool. I love crows.

Kelly and I. My shirt says: As If You Could Out Run Me / As If I Would Want To.

She is lit'rally out of her mind. The back says "Animal Attack".

Cathy likes Twilight. But not like us. I made her wear this shirt. Above the picture of Jacob, it says "Legal In Georgia." Above Wolfy Jacob, it says "Also Legal in Georgia." haha

What's more interesting is the insanity that was my life leading up to midnight on Thursday. I was so amped up on Wednesday that I backed my brand new truck into a fucking No Parking sign. I was busy thinking about the fuckawesome shirts I was going to make and wasn't paying attention to where the hell I was going. Brad won't tell me how much it's going to cost to fix it, just that "I can do it cheaper than anyone else." Great.

My tail light. I know, right? D'oh.

Whatever...got the shirts made, we made it to the theater, walked right in and got fantastic seats, and spent a lot of time drinking in the bathroom before the movie started. I did a porno scream when the Remember Me trailer started (Cutie, I thought of you. I really did. But it was necessary. I didn't make another sound through the rest of the movie). Movie started, I went catatonic for a few hours, and life was good. The best part was the text from RobsSwissMiss that I got at 2:25 a.m. that simply said "I thought the movie was broke." Hahaha. So did I, bitch. So did I. How 'bout that ending?!

The second best part was the fact that Leighann was on the news. She's a crazy bitch.


I somehow managed to sleep a little Thursday night, then got up and Leighann and I smuggled turkey sandwiches into a 1:00 show. It was like snuggling with an old friend. After that, I booked it home to feed the dogs so that I could go meet FireCrotch and Bitches for a 7:30 show. That was a fan girl experience. We had to wait in line, everyone literally ran into the theater, people were screaming, and other such nonsense. It was fun, but I was glad I'd already seen the movie twice because I would have had to cut a bitch if it had been the first time. One of the best things to come out of the evening was the Edward Snuggie idea. How's that coming along, FireCrotch? Get on that shit!! ;-) (I'm having font fail. Just ignore it. It goes along with my life fail).

Saturday dawned bright and early to me finding out that my brother's going to be in rehab for the holidays and a that a dear friend of mine had passed away from cancer. Needless to say, I was happy to still be riding my New Moon high. I'm currently going into DT's and think that another trip to the theater might be in order for tomorrow night. Rob's fucked up nipples make everything better!

So that's my Non-Review. I'm not happy with it. I'm itching to hit the delete button again, but I won't. I'm gonna post this shit and then go create a website for Matt Bushell. That's Phil. You know, the reason that Edward and Bella are together? Yeah, that guy. The best secondary character ever created. Buckle your seatbelts for that shit.
And now begins the countdown to Eclipse. 217 day to go! Woooooooot!!!


  1. I love your non review...that is all. oh and the shirts, I love the shirts too.

  2. I working on the snuggie. You are awesome. We need to go out again soon.

  3. This is the best non-review ever! I attempted to shame myself onto the local news...apparently someone in the theater out-fangirled me. Phuckers.

    Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend :( And rehab. And the taillight.

    They say things come in three's (good and bad) so you should be done with bad now and move onto three good things. Phansite. Phil dinner. Rob phucking.

  4. @Smutty: Thanks. :) I'll make you one for Eclipse.

    @FC: Yes. We totally need to go out and pick up men. Wearing corn buttons. Call me when you get home.

    @RSM: Thanks...long week for sure. I was having some serious ups and downs and it made me manic and tired. Manic Meg watches TV on mute and only eats Cap'n Crunch. Matt Bushell makes me feel better, though. ;-)


Leave me some love. Validation. Reason for living. Confirmation that I am not, in fact, a lunatic. Ok, that might be stretching it.