I had an annoyingly Non-Twilightly Labor Day weekend. I did purchse New Moon tickets, which was totally squee-worthy, except that I was in a hotel room with my grandmother and aunt and they really didn't appreciate the complete and total glory. I also made the mistake of offering them a chocolate Edward, and my aunt actually said "Who's Edward?" GASP! They didn't deserve Edward. They got a Jacob, but I even felt kinda slimy giving them him. Hate to waste chocolate and hot men-boys.
Then I made another mistake. Started reading smutty fanfic before going to sleep. In the hotel room with said aunt and grandmother. It was almost entirely undbearable, but I couldn't stop reading. Luckily, I had procured a jar of moonshine and was able to knock myself out pretty quickly. Ain't nothin' like a little shine and little Robward porn.
Me Exploding
After I got home on Sunday, I spent the next two days on the couch reading as much fanfic as I could. I stopped briefly to go buy a parakeet (long story...his name is Crackrock McSpongey) and to take my mom to have an endoscopy.
Crackrock McSponey aka Crackers
My Robward flask did ship, though sadly did not arrive in time for me to put moonshine in it and drink myself stupid. Overall, it was kind of a meh weekend. I could have used a pick-me-up, like Rob standing naked on my doorstep or a winning lottery ticket. I guess there's always next week...(which happens to include the MTV Video Music Awards and the season finale of True Blood and the first Redskins game of the season).
I can't believe you shared New Moon chocolatey goodness with someone who couldn't appreciate their splendor! Then again, they're relatives...so I guess we have to be nice ;) Can't wait to see you hittin' that flask (filled with moonshine!).
ReplyDeleteI've seen two different sents of chocolates around...I think you found the bagged set (where they come in different flavors) and I found the individuals creme-filled chocolates. Seeing as I only have one set, I haven't actually eaten any yet. Gotta go buy more!